Political Basis of Islam
1. Imaniat
Confident that Allah Ta'ala;
~ He who created (Khaleq) all things,
~ He is the Superintendent (Maleq) on the creation
~ He Providers (Razeq) to all.
2. Risaalat
Convinced the life of Muhammad s.a.w. and adhered to the whole way of his life.
3. Khilafat
Khilafah means representation. Man are as a representative of God. After Muhammad s.a.w. died,
followers are responsible for continuing the work to convey religious (missionary). All muslims should involve in the task!
It is easily understood that khalifah is not only a king or leader of a country, but each and
every muslims are khalifah.
Politics is actually a very wide meaning, then there must be an understanding by the audience about the political meaning itself until society is not afraid of the word politics so that community will have a better 'political sense'.
As an example of this is described as;
I want to buy a laptop. I have a sum of $1000.00 while the laptop is priced at $2500.00. So I'm thinking how do I get the sum of $2500.00. Then I borrowed from a friend of $250.00, ask from mother and sister and sell unused goods from the store and work over time one hour a day at $4.00 per hour. At the end of the month total amount of $2500.00 was collected and the laptop is mine.
How the money was engineered is politics!
It was stated in the Holy Quran;
"When the population of a village would have believe and fear Allah, will be opened for them the blessings from the heavens and the earth."
So it is an easy conclusion; the key to obtaining universal peace and prosperity is the faith and piety!
Simple Calculation!
We take the example of an organization consisting of one manager and several employees. As a manager he would issue instructions and set certain laws for the benefit and progress of the organization.
We understand that any employee who is hardworking, productive, loyal, obedient and does not dispute the boss will be approved by the employer. He will have promotions and gain salaries, bonuses at the end of the year and the boss will be happy to provide him other allowances!
What about an employee who is lazy, did not comply with and against the boss? Sure he will be subject to disciplinary action, the increase in his salary would be arrested and his life is more difficult.
If Muslims follow commandments of their Lord and adopt the life of His Messenger, then
the world will be safe from any disaster and calamities. No war, protest or rebellion. The world will be filled with peace and affection.
In the Holly Al-Quran it is stated;
"Then I (Noah a.s.) said, 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord, for He is Oft-Forgiving. Undoubtedly he will rain from the sky with a vengeance. He will multiply to your property and children, gathered for you gardens and rivers "
Let us save the world in a way that is organized by the Creator through the word of Noah a.s. It is the only way!